
Gianluca Gagliardi

(group leader) 

got his MSc (magna cum laude, 1996) and PhD (2000) in Physics from University of Naples “Federico II”. In 2003, he entered the CNR-National Institute of Optics (INO) as a staff scientist working on laser spectroscopy and fibre-optic sensing. Dr. Gagliardi is currently the head of Naples unit of the CNR-INO. Here, he leads the research activity of the “Optical Sensors” group where the main research themes are optical fibre Bragg gratings (FBG) and FBG resonators for strain and acceleration sensing, fibre-ring evanescent-wave as well as whispering-gallery mode resonators for chemical analysis of liquids and surface-plasmon-resonance assisted sensors for environmental monitoring applications. Dr. Gagliardi has authored more than 100 papers in international refereed journals and scientific books with more than 80 conference contributions, invited lectures and proceedings at international meetings. He is associate editor of Optics & Laser Technology (Elsevier) and Sensors (MDPI). He’s been the PI of many research projects funded by national government agencies. He’s been responsible for cooperation programs between Italy (CNR) and India (CSIR), and more recently between CNR and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory of Berkeley (CA) on plasmonic devices.

Saverio Avino

received the Laurea in Physics in 2003 and PhD in 2007 from Naples University “Federico II”. He started research at the gravitational wave detector VIRGO (Italian Institute for Nuclear Physics), where he gained expertise on high-precision laser interferometry, control systems and adaptive optics. Continued this research line at the Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (USA). Later, moved to the Tyndall National Institute (Ireland) conducting research on laser interference lithography for photonic crystals and metallic nanostructures. Researcher at CNR-National Institute of Optics (Naples, IT) since 2009, his current activities cover optical frequency combs, FBG sensors, fiber-loop and whispering gallery mode resonator spectroscopy.

Pietro Malara

graduated in Physics from the “Federico II” University of Naples and obtained a PhD in physical methodologies for Ecology at the “Vanvitelli” University in 2009. After a postdoc at Harvard University (Boston, MA, 2009-2012) focused on spectroscopic applications of quantum cascade lasers, he got a researcher position at the CNR-National Institute of Optics (INO) in Pozzuoli (Na). Presently, his research activities mainly concern high-sensitivity spectroscopy, interrogation techniques of optical fiber sensors as well as the investigation of properties and applications of coupled optical resonators

Antonio Giorgini

received is PhD in Physics in 2009 at University of Naples Federico II with a thesis on atom interferometry. Graduated (magna cum laude) in Physics in 2005 at the same Institution. As PhD student he worked, at the Physics Department of University of Firenze, and, as PostDoc (grant) at European Laboratory for Non Linear Spectroscopy (LENS). As undergraduate student he contributed to the development of the Detector Control System for the ATLAS experiment at CERN. At present he is research scientist at National Institute of Optics (CNR-INO). His activity is focused on optical sensing and laser spectroscopy for fundamental and applied purposes. Innovative approach to selective chemical sensors based on surface plasmon resonance have been also investigated. Recent studies concern non-linear opto-mechanic effects in liquid micro-resonators. The time-frequency metrology constitute its scientific background.

Davide D’Ambrosio

received his laurea in physics (master’s degree) in 2013 at “Università Federico II” Napoli (IT), presenting the thesis: “Measurement of UV femtosecond pulse length”. He had his PhD diploma in Metrology in 2019 at “Istituto Nazionale di Ricerca Metrologica (INRIM)”, Torino (IT) with a thesis titled: “Characterizing a Mid-IR laser source with a molecular beam”. He worked as a post-doc in the cold molecules lab of the European Laboratory for Non-Linear Spectroscopy (LENS) in Florence (IT), focusing his activity on high-resolution spectroscopy on molecular beams. In 2020 he got a post-doc position in the “Optical-sensors group” of CNR – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica, (Napoli, IT). His research activities are presently focused on whispering gallery mode resonators, both solid and liquid, and their use as optical sensors.

Marialuisa Capezzuto

graduated in Physics from the “Federico II” University of Naples in 2017 with a thesis on whispering-gallery mode in liquid resonators at the National Institute of Optics (CNR-INO) where in 2019 she begins her activity of research on optical fibre Bragg gratings (FBG) sensors and high-sensitivity spectroscopy. Presently, she is working as PhD student of “Vanvitelli” University in the “Optical-sensors group” of CNR-INO in Pozzuoli (Na) and her research program is divided into two activities concerning the development of optical systems based on optical fiber interferometers and resonant cavities and free space.

Naveed Ahmed Chishti

got his Master degree in Applied Physics in 2017 from the Government College University Lahore, Pakistan. He received his PhD degree in Mathematics, Physics and Engineering Applications in 2024 from the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli. As a PhD student, he worked on the precision spectroscopy of mercury atoms in the deep ultraviolet region. Currently, he is working as a postdoctoral researcher in the optical sensors group of CNR-INO Pozzuoli. The present research activities are focused on whispering gallery mode resonators and their applications as optical sensors

Rizwan Zahoor

received his B.Sc. in Electrical Engineering (Computer Systems) from The University of Faisalabad, Pakistan, in 2016, and his M.Sc. in Electronics and Communications Engineering from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, China, in 2019. He obtained his PhD in Industrial and Information Engineering from the University of Campania Luigi Vanvitelli, Italy, in April 2024, specializing in distributed acoustic sensing (DAS) technology for temperature, strain, and Lamb wave detection utilizing Rayleigh scattering phenomenon.

Dr. Zahoor joined the CNR-National Institute of Optics (INO) in Naples, Italy, in June 2024 as a postdoctoral researcher. His current research is centered around the “HFOG, High-resolution interferometric Fiber-Optic Gyroscopes for inertial sensing” project. This work involves the design and development of high-performance fiber optic gyroscopes for inertial sensing applications.

Dr. Zahoor has authored multiple papers in international refereed journals and has contributed to numerous conferences with presentations and proceedings.

Rashmi Rekha Sahoo

received her laurea in physics (master’s degree) in 2014 from National Institute of Technology Rourkela (India) presenting the thesis: “Synthesis and characterization of BaMnO3multiferroic ceramics”. She received the PhD degree from National Institute of Science Education and Research Bhubaneswar in 2023, titled: “Studies on Nonlinear Frequency Conversion Techniques using χ(2) Processes”. Where she focused on the construction of singly resonant optical parametric oscillators. In addition she studied the theoretical representation of three wave mixing process on the Bloch sphere. In 2024 she got the post-doc position in the “Optical-sensors group” of CNR – Istituto Nazionale di Ottica (Napoli, IT). Her present research activities are based on fibre-Bragg grating based sensors. Now trying to visualise the sensor beyond the classical limit.

Ferdinando D’Apice

Graduated in Physics from the “Federico II” University of Naples in 2023 with a thesis on Ferromagnetic Josephson Junctions based on niobium electrodes at CNR-ISASI. Subsequently, worked at Almaviva as a junior developer in big data, utilizing Talend, Hive-SQL, and JavaScript to manage data flows. Currently, working on High Resolution Interferometric Fiber-Optic Gyroscopes (HFOG) for inertial sensing at the CNR-INO Institute.